
ActiveLook layout
ActiveLook layout
FAI assistant
FAI assistant
XCTrack aims to become a full featured flight computer for paraglider pilots - both for free flying and competitions. XCTrack is closely related to XContest and developed by the XContest team. Disclaimer: XCTrack is under heavy development, there are still a few important features missing and there may be some bugs. For more information see the Gitlab issues and the list of supported features below. XCTrack runs on Android 5.0 or higher. Older versions support Android 2.2 and higher, look into the FAQ for download.

Features supported

XC flying


General features

External devices support



Thanks to the pilot community XCTrack is now available in 20+ different languages. Translating to another language or contributing to an already existing translation is very easy. Read the How To Translate guide and do it on https://translate.xctrack.org .


Very detailed and up to date manual written by Bertrand Fontaine can be found on Air³ pages. Video tutorials included. Thanks Bertrand!

Contact, Feedback & Discussion

XCTrack is developed by XContest team - https://www.xcontest.org. To follow the latest news about XCTrack or to request new features participate in the xctrack-public project on https://gitlab.com/xcontest-public/xctrack-public or in the discussion on paraglidingforum. To file a bug report see the report bugs page.


The latest stable version of XCTrack is available at Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.xcontest.XCTrack . If you want to test the latest development version, join the XCTrack beta program. If you need you can download the apk file directly.
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